Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical price range for water damage restoration services?

The costs of water damage restoration can vary considerably, primarily based on the severity of the damage. Furthermore, it's worth noting that your insurance policy may cover or partially cover the expenses associated with the restoration process.

If my property is not in close proximity to any nearby Best Option Restoration of NWA location, how long should I anticipate for your team to arrive?

On average, it takes approximately 1-2 hours for Best Option Restoration of NWA to arrive on-site, assuming the location is within a 50-mile radius of a Best Option Restoration of NWA. However, keep in mind that response times can be subject to variations due to factors such as traffic conditions, accessibility issues, local government restrictions, and the severity of the damage. Additionally, our strong relationships with organizations integral to community recovery allow us to navigate blocked areas whenever necessary.

What is the typical duration for property restoration after fire and smoke damage?

Due to the numerous factors involved in fire and smoke restoration services, it is not possible to provide an exact timeframe for complete restoration. However, our Best Option Restoration of NWA technician can provide you with an estimate that includes projected dates and phases for your specific restoration project.

Where does mold commonly grow in a home?

Mold prefers warm, dark spaces such as between wall boards, heating ducts, ventilation fans, crawl spaces, and basements.

Does Best Option Restoration of NWA subcontract any of their onsite services, or do they perform all services themselves?

While most of the onsite services are performed by our capable team of Best Option Restoration of NWA technicians, there are instances where subcontracting is required. These situations primarily involve major construction trades, specialty trades, engineering firms, environmental testing firms, and manual labor sources. The decision to self-perform or subcontract depends on the project's size, scope, and location. Furthermore, we have established strong partnerships with reputable national subcontractors and suppliers to ensure top-notch service quality and receive volume discounts.

  • 24/7 Emergency Services
  • We arrive quickly to help clean up the disaster
  • Certified IICRC & IRI Technicians
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